For Anyone Looking To Generate Consistent income from the stock market without waiting years to generate the skills to create wealth.
Invitation to Join
Fast Forward Mentorship(s)

This is an 8-minute read and a 2-minute decision.
I’m going to describe what each mentorship is, what it’s about and then you can decide when you want to join.
What are the Fast Forward Mentorships?
The Fast Forward Mentorship(s) are designed to give you skills that most other successful traders/brokers/gurus profit off you NOT having!
This means that you always have a choice on how you can run and grow your trading accounts without being dependent upon other people’s advice and skills to make money… you won’t need their advice or signals or fancy indicators, you'll have a choice to take their advice only if you want to take it not because you have to take it.
1 - The Fast Forward Group Mentorship provides weekly support around my core SPX trading systems. (my best system ever!) We also swing trade stocks & Index Futures.
There is an initial quick start call to get you fast-tracked in my methods after that there are twice-weekly group calls and a monthly 1-on-1 should you need it.
2 - The 1-on-1 Mentorship provides an initial 4-6 week intensive quickstart training in my methods.
After this 1-on-1 support is on demand.
You will also have complimentary access to the Fast Forward Group Program
In both cases, this is so that you get the support you need at the level you want it to get real results fast.
You will be able to Fast Forward your trading results in the smartest way possible.
I’ve spent 30 years in this game, and accumulated a lot of wins, scars, and battles through trading real money accounts on the hard right edge of the chart, building my trading fund, and have done just about everything in the game.
The SPX Income System is by far the best trading system I have ever developed to the point that I have made the radical decision to have this as my core trading system and put all my efforts and energy into trading it and teaching it in 2024 and beyond.
This is the culmination of everything I learned on the hard right edge of the charts over the last 30 years.
Why Do I Teach My Methods?
A little backstory as to why I mentor great people like you.
Back in 2002 I started to help a small group of traders via the T2W forum and discovered I loved the teaching side of this business and also because I felt at the time there was no true purest online trading education community that was good. (The educators also both suck and blow at the same time and many still do to this day.)
I started AntiVestor with the single goal of helping traders replicate my own results (or something comparable) by plugging into proven trading systems so that they too can also get real results in the fastest way possible.
I’m proud to say that I’ve accomplished that goal and I have 000’s of the best traders pass through the virtual doors to learn my trading strategies.
Many have gone on to manage their own funds or trading prop shop accounts.
Then, as I started sharing what I knew about the tools, strategy dev. and more advanced trading strategies and I started to get people asking me to offer something more.
So I re-launched the AntiVestor with a Fast Forward Mastermind to take traders further faster than they ever have before.
I’ve had 307+ of the world’s aspiring traders join and move on to become money-makers in their trading.
They represent regular people from all walks of life and industries you can imagine from health, to finance, to dog training, to survival, to managers, to sports, to real estate, etc…
Real people getting real results.
They all have a common goal to grow wealth through self-directed trading of the world's financial markets.
(That’s the fancy way of saying you make your own decisions and push the buttons yourself.)
Fast forward to more recently the strategies are finely honed and then something strange happened just a few months ago in Aug 2023.
Something finally clicked into place with these new zero-day options. They had been a nut I had been trying to crack on and off in my research.
In the following 10 days, I had my programmer code up the chart triggers and before I knew it there was a fully functional, refined, and validated strategy.
I then rolled it out to my mentorship group (and a small test group of noobs) who were blown away.
In the next three months, I had accelerated their level of skill and success 5-10 years…
We made more money than all my other strategies combined for the rest of the year (super proud of that)
Here are some wins from my traders...

"Since I've been in this program, I'm finally seeing results. I'm making small risk trades but am making a profit slowly but surely."
"...hearing other people who pick the same trades or agree with my reasoning meant i wasn't just guessing anymore."

Emily Cabral
SPX Income Trader
"Phil is a true educator and quite frankly, I owe my success and future success as a trader to him. He made me a trader."
"...I can't imagine a better solutions, peace-of-mind, for any aspiring trader knowing they made the right and effective choice."

Randall Kress
SPX Income Trader
"...Another 100% Winner!..."

Kevin J. M.
SPX Income Trader

A/C up 37.4% since starting

Jared M.
SPX Income Trader

A/C up 19.52% in 10 days.
"...8 wins and 2 losses..."

Allan B.
SPX Income Trader

"...Easy to follow and profitable..."
"Phil takes you through everything you need and will answer all your questions as you go."

Stephen C.
SPX Income Trader
"...extremely accurate and profitable..."
It saves me from having to spend too much time at the charts. It is proving to be extremely accurate and profitable. I am also learning while making profit.

Steve R.
SPX Income Trader
"My trading is more structured, and sticking to the plan is more profitable than trading my opinion."
"...If you wants a structured, consistent trading approach & have fun along the way, Phil is your man."

Balvinder Purewal
SPX Income Trader
"I have learnt a system that will be my tool for trading for the rest of my life."
"...Phil has so much experience in trading, more importantly, he genuinely cares about helping."

Perry Taylor
SPX Income Trader
"I am no longer relying on luck! Just 2-weeks into my training, no other system has delivered as fast as this has."
"...Every time I look at the charts is is clear what needs to be done or when to stand aside."

Nate Lindon
Production Line Trader
"Getting to know you and this community has been a game changer. I will look back on this time as pivotal."
"...Phil, you make learning the ins and outs of trading very much easier."

John Hall
Production Line Trader
"Working with Phil has completely changed my trading life."
"...I went from doing fairly but never really gaining much ground, to blowing it out of the water in 2-months following some simple rules. YTD, my total a/c value is over 100% returns!"

Brian Ankrum
Production Line Trader
"Thank You! My financial path will be turning a major corner of the next few years with the guidance you have given me."
"...You wont believe how hard it is to find an approach to the financial markets thats fits peoples lifestyle and risk profile."

Greg Plant
Production Line Trader
"...Phil has created and his system gives me peace of mind when my money is on the line..."
"...instructions are crystal clear and Phil delivers the material with a lighted hearted humor and passion."

Kyle Levac
SPX Income Trader
"I found a structure that worked and a trading foundation that produces winning trades."
"...Phil has a method that can be repeated time and time again with confidence."

Colin Hallwood
SPX Income Trader
"The best way I can describe this, is like taking the red pill from the Matrix and unplugging from the "conventional wisdom" and seeing the markets for the firs time."
"...Phil will give you assistance in all things trading."

Stuart Wood
Production Line Trader
"Whatever you spend with Phil will be returned multiple times over."
"...I've known Phil for over 10-yrs now, his live rooms, personal 1-2-1 mentoring, and his workshops. He is the real deal when it comes to trading and strategies as well as being a very genuine and down to earn guy."

Tony Terry
Production Line Trader
What does the performance look like?

NOTE - Image shows a steady equity curve over a 10 year back test.
There are similar equity curves for all my strategies.
1 - SPX Income System
2 - SPX Swing System
3 - Futures Trading System
4 - Stock Trading System
The following results are specific to the Daily Income System.
Please note that this strategy has only been possible for a short period of time since zero-day options and the liquidity needed has only been a recent thing.
As such the backtesting image is only theoretical. This is 10 years of 30-minute data using stock as a proxy with risk/reward of 1:1…
Just let that sink in for a moment!
The broker statements below are for live money trades in Dec 2023, a month that most traders don't trade. Even I, for many years, would trade the first 1-2 weeks (if at all) and then shut up shop.
As the daily income system is not dependent on trending days, I still get paid my daily income. The system crushes December.
See all the latest results - Click Here
27 Dec.

22 Dec.

21 Dec.

20 Dec.

19 Dec.

18 Dec.

13 Dec

12 Dec.

11 Dec.

01 Dec

Happy Student
A/C up 19.52% in 10 days.
"...8 wins and 2 losses..."

Allan B.
SPX Income Trader

Happy Student
"...513% R.O.C. Overnight!..."

Kevin J. M.
SPX Income Trader

See all the latest results - Click Here
What about the Stocks & Futures trades?

/ES M4


This is why I am different...
Now, I don’t just focus on teaching my students to use any type of discretionary process.
Plenty of people do that and the other reason I don’t is that “discretionary systems” come and go.
PLUS they are always subjective and can’t be replicated easily or often at all.
Instead, what I focus on is teaching them rule-based trading AND how to think the way long-term successful traders do and become world-class traders.
So they can see things others can’t see, connect the dots, and build their own trading accounts.
Once they can do that, they can imagine, pull apart, build and rebuild strategies and systems for any time frame or market… if they want to!
As a result, they each have a unique skill set that that also stands the test of time.
All this is in addition to having immediate access to my Daily Income System…
Plus my entire strategy library to get you on the right path to trading success.
This is a PHD in real world financial trading
Here are a few things I’ve taught them every week on the Monday & Wednesday group learning calls:
Each one of those topics was a 30-90-minute call that went deep into each concept to explain why these ideas and strategies work.
(This is in addition to the basic strategy training)
They’re the posts and knowledge that are coming to the group or newsletter or YouTube at some point in time, but instead of a shallow overview, they’re shared in-depth in detail weeks & months in advance on the weekly 30-90-minute calls.
I have 000’s of notes and each talk is about 3-5 notes, so there are a whole lot of concepts to share, and that will take time to share and review the ever-changing market conditions for maximum gains.
This is the real stuff that is not taught in trading books or on YouTube. You only get this information from working at the trading coal face for 30 years.
They may be posted to the group or in the newsletter down the road, for now, my mentorship group always get the best ideas, training and system updates first and always and occasionally exclusively.
Because that is my commitment as a mentor to all my traders.
On top of the training I do, I also have my hands on their projects and strategy ideas, where I tweak the structure of their ideas, and their rules, help them with strategy validations, and everything in between, plus give them feedback daily in Slack.
For some of my traders, who have made such a mess of their trading accounts, I have recovered it for them. (large accounts only)
What is the format of the mentorship calls?
Here’s The Format of the Mentorship(s)
- Schedules for 1-on-1 mentorships are worked out individually.
- For Group Mentorships - 2 Zoom training group calls per week.
- Monthly 1-2-1 to help you pass hurdles so that you reach the next level fast.
1-2 hours each. - Both calls will explore market conditions and the strategies under those conditions.
- How to take advantage of assessed conditions for the day/week.
- Both group calls will have hot seat opportunities - where you can bring anything to the table, your market views, good trades, bad trades, questions about anything.
- Group Calls are hosted Mon & Wed at 09:30am EST.
- The calls will have deep learning and a round table discussion.
- The Slack group is where we’ll have chats, communication etc…between calls
- All calls are recorded, and transcriptions are by YouTube in case you miss anything
- The Slack group is where you can also post/ask anything either in the member's channel or privately via DM.
- Most traders new to my methods DM their trades to confirm or get course corrections.
- Currently, I’m the only trainer/coach, might add others later, but I don’t want to dilute the quality of what we’re doing here.
- The SPX Income System is rule-based, as are most of my strategies, and is as easy as following a checklist.
- The Production Line Trading Swing System is also rule based.
- When looking at discretionary or market conditions we’re going to use the Socratic method of teaching.
There are no process or step-by-step instructions, and neither is there a course on price action or discretionary analysis to follow.
It doesn’t exist, and I can’t teach you to be great by giving you just a cookie-cutter formula (if I did, then you'd just be like the others).
What is the investment price?
The price of Fast Forward Group Mentorship is $6,000 / one time.
The price of 1-on-1 Mentorship is $10,000 / one time.
(Group mentorship is included as a bonus with 1-on-1 mentorship)
I’m going to double the price shortly because I can only help so many people 1-on-1 and in Slack. The group price will double to $12,000 a year (those who get in early will be grandfathered in).
As a member, you get access to everything in the group mentorship, 1-on-1 support and the entire Production Line Trading strategy library for a ridiculously low investment.
That’s what The SPX Income System and Fast Forward Mentorship are and so if that’s what you’re looking to do then the last question you have is what is the price & where do I sign up…
The Prices:
- Group $6,000 / (one time)
- 1-on-1 $10,000 (one time)
These will be increasing soon.
Why the upfront?
Why the upfront? Because what I find is when people usually sign up for these things, they want to come in for 2-3 months, drain my brain of everything and bounce, so the pricing architecture here is designed to mitigate that and to offset that issue.
If you’re not convinced (yet), feel free to wait until, and we might increase the price in the new year because people are signing up now.
To join use this link:
Go here
Once you sign up, you’ll be emailed your AntiVestor login details. Remember to join the Slack community and shoot me a message if I haven’t already sent you one.
Fast Forward and AntiVestor are more than just environments for you to make money…
This is an environment for you to know how to make money ON YOUR OWN… Without depending on other people’s templates, other gurus gating their resources to make money or hide how to really think about trading the financial markets...
We’re not here to simply sign you up and make you feel good we’re here to give you a skill set that you can carry with you for the rest of your life into any market under any conditions so that no matter the circumstances you know that you have everything you need to be successful no matter what the future holds.
It’s designed to give you skills that most other traders profit off you NOT having so that you always have a choice on how you can trade and grow your trading business without being dependent upon other people’s advice and skills to make money… you won’t need their advice, you'll have a choice to take their advice only if you want to take it not because you have to take it…
The bottom line is that this is the fastest and smartest way to trade and make daily income from the markets.
Do you want to be a part of it?
Here's Everything You're Getting Today

Everything you have just read about plus a boat load of things it is just impractical to mention.
Bottom line is my role is to make you a trading super star.
45-min Quick Start

45-min quick Start Call
Get fast tracked in my methods and customised to your needs.
Signals Software

Signals Software
All my tradestation & Trading view software tools & algos
All Access Pass

Access Everything!
You will have access to everything I've ever created. Past, Present, & Future.
SPX System Book & Training

The Daily SPX Income System Book & Course
A complete traders guide to the SPX Income System.
VIP Access

VIP Concierge.
If you need help, the SPX team will guide you & course correct.
Trader Community

SPX Income Trader Community.
Get motivation, encouragement from being a member of a trader community.
Quick Start Checklists

Chart Setup Quickstart.
Copy our charting setup. No matter your charts, this works will any popular charting.

1 Page Cheatsheet.
Keep this handy on your desk or mobile for quick reference.
Surprise Surprise!

I have several surprises waiting for you inside the members area.
Frequently Asked Questions
And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order...
But First Read This Disclaimer:
Please understand my results are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).
I have the benefit of practicing trading the financial markets for 30+ years, and have an established track record.
The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results often because they don't put in the work or even follow the process described. I’m using these references for example purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All financial trading entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS PROGRAM.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training.
You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only.
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.
Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances.
You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance
The BEST Guarantee In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.
I know that before I get into anything…
I will work with you directly so that you can get the results you were expecting.
If you are expecting a crazy 300% money back guarantee then this product is NOT for you and DO NOT BUY.
I want you to be comfortable with this buy.
And even though it’s only a small $$$ investment
Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…
So here’s what I’ve arranged:
Access the program, learn it, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.
Getting stuck? Let me know and let's work through it together.
Here at AntiVestor we believe that no trader should be left behind.
...And if you’re not blown away by what you learn , you don't have to [air fingers] "figure things out" on your own.
Our community members regularly see successful trading results because they know they have the support they need to be successful.
If you are not getting the results you expected I will personally work with you until you are.
How’s that for the world’s best guarantee? I’d say pretty good!