Bollinger Bands Pinch, Market Yawns… I Stay Ready | SPX Analysis 21 Mar 2025

Ahoy there Trader! ‍‍⚓️

It’s Phil…

It’s Friday, the market’s half-asleep, and I’ve redrawn my trendlines more times than I’ve refreshed my tea.

The weekly chart (top left, if you’re playing along at home) is shaping up to close with a tight little range bar, which basically tells us what we already knew: we’re in a classic sideways smush. (technical term)

And yes—I’ve once again spent time repositioning the bull/bear boundary levels, only to find that my actual triggers haven’t changed a bit. The Bollinger Band pinch just confirms the stallout. Nothing new. Nothing sexy. Just… waiting.

And honestly? I’m fine with that. Because Monday’s “don’t rush it” dodge saved me from getting trapped on the wrong side of a lazy bounce.

Still bearish. Still patient. Still on standby for a push towards 5600, where I’ll happily ring the register on a few bear swings.

⬇️⬇️⬇️ – keep scrolling for more in-depth analysis – ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Deeper Dive Analysis:

There’s a special kind of frustration in watching a chart do absolutely nothing while you do absolutely everything to analyse it.

That’s where we are. SPX continues to compress, now sporting a tight little Bollinger pinch that confirms (again) that the market’s in full nap mode.

  • Weekly chart: Range bar. Narrow. Uneventful.
  • Boundary redrawing: Done. Re-done. And redone again.
  • Bull/Bear triggers: Still the same, above 5705 for bulls, below 5605 for bears.

I’ve adjusted my short-term channel view, tried to refine the angles, squinted at a few Fibonacci levels, and… nothing’s really changed. [Hard eye roll].

What’s interesting, though, is that while all this noise is happening, the real setups are marinating. My bear swings are aging like fine wine, just waiting for a push toward 5600 so I can cash out a few tranches that’ve been overstaying their welcome.

And let’s not forget:

  • The bull trigger still hasn’t fired.
  • Monday’s Paddy’s Day Party and bull entry swerve? Best decision of the week.
  • No new entries unless levels break. No exceptions.

I’m not expecting a massive move today, though saying that probably jinxed it. If we get some surprise action late in the day, great. If not, I’ll be clicking into the weekend with my blood pressure blissfully normal and my trades still on track.

Fun Fact

Did you know? Jesse Livermore, one of history’s greatest traders, once said: “The real money is made in the waiting.”

The Lesson? The best trades don’t happen when you force them—they happen when you let them come to you.

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Happy trading,


Less Brain, More Gain

…and may your trades be smoother than a cashmere codpiece

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